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Founded in 1853, Lake Country Freemasons Lodge #42 is one of the longest continuously running Masonic Lodges in Wisconsin. Rich with tradition and vibrant with an average member age just under 50, our Lodge meets twice a month on weeknights and most meetings consist of some business and education about the fraternity including history, lessons, ritual, and review of basic principles. Our gatherings are always filled with a spirit of brotherhood. Lake Country Freemasons Lodge #42 has about 100 members and draws from the immediate area around Waukesha County.

Lake Country Freemasons Lodge #42 is also affiliated with the Grand Lodge of Wisconsin which is the governing body for all Lodges in the state. Located in our back yard, is Three Pillars Retirement community which was founded on the Masonic Principle of Relief. Lake Country Freemasons Lodge #42 has a strong working relationship with other Masonic appellate bodies to include but not limited to Scottish Rite, Tripoli Shrine, Knights Templar, Eastern Star, DeMolay International, and Job’s Daughters. To be a member of any of these fine groups it all starts with becoming a Master Mason and member in good standing of a local Lodge.

Community Outreach

Lake Country Freemasons Lodge #42 has given back to numerous local charities and organizations to show our support. Many of these organizations provide youth education and instruction, provide relief to those in distress, support our veterans, and backing to other Masonic Groups. There are many other areas we contribute to include volunteer hours, counseling, and collaborative fundraising. These efforts have a direct impact on the communities we serve and help build the bonds of brotherhood within our organization.

Annual Golf Outing

Each year our Lodge hosts a premier golf outing at The Legend at Brandybrook located in the heart of Lake Country. Our Pay It Forward Campaign is the theme of the golf outing each year. For over 20 years, we have raised over $200,000 all in an effort for our Lodge to use these resources to “Pay It Forward” in the community. In addition to supporting our Lodge, We sponsor high school scholarships, Three Pillars, Scouting, Local youth charities, Food pantries, First responders, Veterans charities, and More! While we are invited to an exclusive private county club, the event is open to the public (with paid reservation) women and men of all skill levels are encouraged to participate. Hole events, Putting contests, special games, and entertainment are all “par for the course”. Thank you for helping us “Pay It Forward” in the Lake Country community!